Elena - 27 ans - I'm siiinging in the rain ;)
Elena a de l'expérience avec les enfants
Langues parlées
Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand
Quelques mots de Elena
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Elena. I am a 20 years old mexican student, I will be in Paris for my abroad semester. I am studying finance and banking in my country, i chose Paris, because is one of the biggest and more international cities. I know spanish because I live in Mexico, and I start learning English when I was in Kindergarten, in my english education i have learn the american english and the british one. I have taken exams like TOEFL iBt and TOEIC, actually I have been studying business english in my career for two years. I have done activities of volunteer with kids in Christmas and other special days, giving toys and having fun with them; I start taking care of kids when i was 15 year old, because my mom is a pediatric doctor, so while she was talking with the parents i was with the kids. The last two years, I have been teaching finance to kids and teenegers and at the same time I have give counseling of maths, statistics, economy to my partners in the University.
Notes et avis sur le travail
Ces plages horaires sont indicatives, vous pourrez bien-sûr les aménager selon vos besoins et les disponibilités de Claudine.
Le travail de votre baby-sitter doit être déclaré, en tant que salarié-e ou auto-entrepreneur-e. Plus d’infos sur le site du CESU.